What we do

  • Breeding of calves
  • Sale of live calves and lambs:
  • * Large distribution stores for national market

    * Transport by land for European Union

    * Transport by sea for North Africa and Middle East regions

  • Sale of calf and lamb meat with Halal certification.
Panorámica de la explotación


Ganados Jiménez Cambra S.L. is established in 1968 as a company that makes fattening calves, which was a domestic work, a business to supply a growing market demand.

Since then, we have achieved a sustainable growth over time and a highly professional team dedicated to our customers and the welfare of animals.

Alimentación de terneros con materias primas de primera calidad
Secadero de maíz
Exportación por vía terrestre
Exportación por vía marítima
Nuevos mercados de exportación